Sunday, September 9, 2012
J. Anthony Plenty, Guest Lectionary Liturgist
Minister of Music, First Baptist Church, Fairfield, Alabama, and Educational Leadership, Policy, and Law Doctoral Fellow, Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL
Worship Planning Notes
A pastor’s anniversary is a joyous time at which the parishioner of a local assembly can celebrate the works of and the person who God give to them as their pastor. As the corporate worship experience is designed, one should remember that this day is not only an opportunity to celebrate the Servant Leader, but this should be a time during which you worship and thank God for what God is doing through your Servant Leader.
As your Music and Worship Arts Ministry prepares for this special day, consider ways that visual aids might be employed to enhance some of the selections ministered during worship. This may be done through videos, handbills, dramatic presentations, tapestries, etc. Think about what would bring joy to the pastor. For instance, if your pastor has been casting a vision of unity among the congregants, then consider some unique act of worship in which all members may participate. An example of this can be found when you follow the YouTube link located at the selection “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.”
Finally, as you prepare for this day, reflect on these words found in Paul’s first letter to the Church at Thessalonica. It is here that he says, “But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you, and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.” Keep in mind that pastors are a blessing to the body of Christ. It is most appropriate for the Body of Christ to use this day to be a blessing to them.
1. Call to Worship, Centering Prayer, and/or Litany
Litany: Pastor’s Appreciation
The Leader: |
Holy God, we praise You for Your wisdom in gifting the church with pastors. We thank You for giving us a pastor after Your own heart.
The People: |
Thank You for our pastor.
Leader: |
You know that in order for Your people to grow, they must be fed with knowledge and understanding.
People: |
Thank You for our pastor, who feeds us.
Leader: |
You gifted the Church with pastors to make us ready to do the work of the ministry, that the Church would know the truth concerning our faith in Jesus Christ and that we might no longer be gullible concerning the strange teachings of this world.
People: |
Thank You for our pastor.
Leader: |
We thank You for our pastor, who labors in the Word of God to preach and teach—rightly dividing the Word of truth. Thank You for our pastor’s diligence in preaching and teaching the Word in season and out of season.
People: |
Thank You for our pastor’s faithfulness to Your Word.
Leader: |
We thank You for the time our pastor spends in prayer, seeking You for direction in guiding this flock.
People: |
Thank You for a praying pastor.
Leader: |
Lord, we thank You for our pastor, who possesses a pastor’s heart and is willing to comfort and willing to correct-a heat that is full of compassion.
People: |
Thank You for a caring pastor.
Leader: |
Truly the pastor’s work is great and many times is beyond our understanding, but You have told us in Your Word to honor those who work hard for You, giving spiritual guidance to Your people. Help us to acknowledge, appreciate, respect, and overwhelm our pastor with love for the sake of Kingdom building.
Together: |
Thank You for the privilege of loving our pastor. |
2. Hymns or Anthems Hymns (a) Lead Me, Guide Me. By Doris M. Akers
(b) He Leadeth Me. By Joseph H. Gilmore
(c) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas Chisholm
(d) Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You. By Henry van Dyke
(e) Ho, Everyone That Thirsteth. Arr. by Will C. Macfarlane
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs (a) The Angels Keep A-Watchin’. Traditional 
(b) A Charge to Keep I Have (Metered). By Charles Wesley Choir Version 
Quartet Version 
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) My Soul Got Another Dip. By Cleopha Pair, Jr.
(b) Thank You. By Leon Lewis
(c) Let’s Have a Good Time. By Percy Gray, Jr.
(d) No Joy, No Strength. By Melvin Crispell
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Speak to Me. By Erica Campbell, Trecina Campbell, Warren Campbell, and Warryn Campbell
(b) I Am the One. By Kurt Carr
(c) You Been Good to Me. By Dorothy Love Coates 
6. Congregational Songs
(a) Come and Go with Me. Arr. by Kenneth W. Louis
(b) Grateful. By Derek Triplett
(c) Glad to Be in the Service. Traditional
(d) We Bless Your Name. By Carol Cymbala and Jim Hammerly
7. Modern Songs
(a) We’re Thankful for All Things. By Raymond Wise
(b) God Is Great. By John Lakin, III
(c) Still Have Joy. By Rudolph Stansfield
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) I’ve Got to Tell Somebody That Jesus Lives. By Corey McGee
(b) Great Things. By DeAndre Patterson. To encourage an atmosphere of fellowship and kiononia, consider these alternate lyrics in addition to those penned by the composer:
God has so many great things in store for you Can’t you see…many great things in store for you Eyes have not seen nor ears heard Great things, great things in store for you I’d trust His word and believe Great things, great things in store for you
These lyrics may also be taught to the parishioner and sung by the entire congregation to the pastor.
(c) Tithes and Offerings. By Michael E. Mathis
(d) Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. By Isaac Watts, William Keathe, and Thomas Ken. See the worship planning notes about this selection. 
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Pray On. By Donna Douglas and Babbie Mason
(b) Is There a Word from the Lord. By Glenn Burleigh
(c) The Model Prayer. By Albert Hay Malotte
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Speak Life. By Joseph Pace, II
(b) Through Jesus I Get Joy. By Walter Strutchings
(c) Peace and Favor Rest on Us. By Kurt Carr
(d) For the Rest of My Life. By Timothy Wright
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) God Restores. By Wayne Bucknor
(b) For Your Glory. By Mia Booker
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Go Ye Now in Peace. By Joyce Eilers Bacak
(b) Be Blessed. By Kurt Carr
(c) To Him Who Sits on the Throne. By Debbye Graafsma
(d) My Tribute. By Andraé Crouch
Cites and Additional Information for Music and Material Listed
1. Call to Worship, Centering Prayer, and/or Litany Litany: Pastor’s Appreciation. This litany was paraphrased for use in this worship unit. Location:
Total Praise: Songs and Other Worship Resources for Every Generation. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, Inc., 2011. #68
2. Hymns or Anthems Hymns
(a) Lead Me, Guide Me. By Doris M. Akers
The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition. Nashville, TN: Triad Publications, 2005. #233
(b) He Leadeth Me. By Joseph H. Gilmore
Fettke, Tom. The Celebration Hymnal: Songs and Hymns for Worship. Brentwood, TN: Word Music/Integrity Music, 1997. #690
(c) Great Is Thy Faithfulness. By Thomas Chisholm
Total Praise. #154
(d) Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You. By Henry van Dyke
African American Heritage Hymnal. Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, 2001. #120
(e) Ho, Everyone That Thirsteth. Arr. by Will C. Macfarlane
Ho, Everyone That Thirsteth: Anthem for Chorus of Mixed Voices, with Organ Accompaniment. New York: G. Schirmer, 1906.
3. Spirituals or Traditional Songs
(a) The Angels Keep A-Watchin’. Spiritual
Total Praise. #136
(b) A Charge to Keep I Have (Meter). By Charles Wesley
African American Heritage Hymnal. #467
4. Gospel Songs for Choirs, Ensembles, or Praise Teams
(a) My Soul Got Another Dip. By Cleopha Pair, Jr.
Alabama State Mass Choir. My Soul Got Another Dip. New York, NY: Zomba, 1996.
(b) Thank You. By Leon Lewis
Washington, Benita. Hold On. Nashville, TN: Compendia Music Group, 2004.
(c) Let’s Have a Good Time. By Percy Gray, Jr.
Battles, Lemmie. Let’s Have a Good Time Live. Nashville, TN: New Haven Records, 2003.
(d) No Joy, No Strength. By Melvin Crispell
Hall, James. No Joy, No Strength. Brooklyn, NY: Music Blend, 2007.
5. Liturgical Dance Music
(a) Speak to Me. By Erica Campbell, Trecina Campbell, Warren Campbell, and Warryn Campbell
Mary Mary. Mary Mary. New York, NY: Sony Urban Music/Columbia, 2005.
(b) I Am the One. By Kurt Carr
Just the Beginning. New York, NY: Zomba Gospel, 2008.
(c) You Been Good to Me. By Dorothy Love Coates
Thomison, Lawrence. Never Let Go of His Hand. Nashville, TN: New Haven Records, 1992.
6. Congregational Songs
(a) Come and Go with Me. Arr. by Kenneth W. Louis
Total Praise. #583
(b) Grateful. By Derek Triplett
Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. Embracing the Next Dimension. Kissimmee, FL: Tehillah Music Group, 2008.
(c) Glad to Be in the Service. Traditional
Nicks, Charles. Charles H. Nicks Presents the Baptist Assembly of Free Spirit Churches Mass Choir, Volume One. Southfield, MI: Sound of Gospel, 1986.
(d) We Bless Your Name. By Carol Cymbala and Jim Hammerly
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Be Glad. Franklin, TN: M2 Communications, 2001.
7. Modern Songs
(a) We’re Thankful for All Things. By Raymond Wise
Wise, Raymond, and Frank Lane. Gospel Songs for Children’s Voices. Columbus, OH: Raise Records,1999.
(b) God Is Great. By John Lakin, III
Dillard, Ricky. Keep Living. Port Washington, NY: Light Records/eOne, 2011.
(c) Still Have Joy. By Rudolph Stansfield
Colorado Mass Choir. Watch God Move. New York, NY: Verity, 1996.
8. Offertory Song or Instrumental
(a) I’ve Got to Tell Somebody That Jesus Lives. By Corey McGee
Georgia Mass Choir and Milton Biggham. Tell It. Jackson, MS: Savoy Records, 2007.
(b) Great Things. By DeAndre Patterson
DeAndre Patterson. Indianapolis, IN: Tyscot, 2004.
(c) Tithes and Offerings. By Michael E. Mathis
Caesar, Shirley. Shirley Caesar Live: He Will Come. NewYork, NY: Word, 1995.
(d) Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. By Isaac Watts, William Keathe, and Thomas Ken
African American Heritage Hymnal. #650
9. Song or Instrumental for the Period of Prayer
(a) Pray On. By Donna Douglas and Babbie Mason
Mason, Babbie. No Better Place. Nashville, TN: Spring Hill Music Group, 1999.
(b) Is There a Word from the Lord. By Glenn Burleigh
Total Praise. #329
(c) The Model Prayer. By Albert Hay Malotte
Christie, Angélla. Hymn & I. Atlanta, GA: AIR Gospel,1998.
10. Sermonic Selection
(a) Speak Life. By Joseph Pace, II
Pace, Joe. Speak Life. Mobile, AL: Integrity Gospel, 2003.
(b) Through Jesus I Get Joy. By Walter Strutchings
Ohio Baptist General Convention Mass Choir. A Praise in the House. Nashville, TN: Star Song Communications, 1997.
(c) Peace and Favor Rest on Us. By Kurt Carr
Just the Beginning. New York, NY: Zomba Gospel, 2008.
(d) For the Rest of My Life. By Timothy Wright
Live in New York. Atlanta, GA: Atlanta International Records, 2003.
11. Invitational Song or Instrumental
(a) God Restores. By Wayne Bucknor
Doggette, James R. Testify. Huntsville, AL: Dynamic Praise Publishing, 2007.
(b) For Your Glory. By Mia Booker
Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. Embracing the Next Dimension. Kissimmee, FL: Tehillah Music Group, 2008.
12. Benediction Song or Instrumental
(a) Go Ye Now in Peace. By Joyce Eilers Bacak
Total Praise. #628
(b) Be Blessed. By Kurt Carr
Morton, Paul S. Still Standing. Nashville, TN: Light Records, 2006.
(c) To Him Who Sits on the Throne. By Debbye Graafsma
Pearson, Carlton. Azusa Praise Jubilee! New York, NY: Atlantic Recording Corp., 2000.
(d) My Tribute. By Andraé Crouch
African American Heritage Hymnal. #111